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KellySOMM Pineapple Logo Black Hat

KellySOMM Pineapple Logo Black Hat

Regular price $35.00 USD
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Why the pineapple logo? Did you know that the international sign of hospitality is a pineapple? In short, the pineapple has been recognized for decades, well actually centries in USA as an international symbol of hospitality. Think of the famous Williams Sonoma logo, but ours has a more modern twist.

Here are some key points about the pineapple and its connection to hospitality:

**Historical Context:** In the past, pineapples were rare and expensive. Displaying one indicated wealth and a dedication to providing generous hospitality to guests.

**Colonial Influence:** Colonial settlers in the Americas adopted the pineapple as a symbol of welcome. They would often place pineapples on their doorsteps to show their readiness to receive guests.

**Modern Usage:** Although pineapples are now widely available, their association with hospitality endures. You'll find them in décor, logos, and design elements within the hospitality industry.

🧢 : @lostlaundryapparal

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